Beyond the Estate Plan Guide

Emergencies. Illness. Death. They happen. Often unexpectedly.
Record the important details about managing your affairs that your family needs to know when you’re not there or are unable to tell them.
Judith Guertin’s guide walks you through important information to collect, lists to make, and actions to take as part of your estate planning in addition to getting your will, trust, or such forms completed. Yes, there is more to do than just having a will! From access to your digital life, accounts, and devices, to contact lists, to lists of property and other assets, to care for your beloved pets, to who owes you money and more, there’s a list for that. Judith also presents helpful ways to collect the information and, drumroll please . . . have it found when it is needed.
Prepare information for yourself and for your loved ones. Do it before the information is needed. Your preparation is a wonderful gift to give to your family and representatives to help them follow your wishes during a time of stress and grief. Use this guide and make today the day to get started on your planning!
Available in e-book and softcover formats!

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